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Criminal Record Expungements

Our Firm Provides Legal Assistance With Respect To Old Criminal Convictions in North Carolina and Helps you Clear Your Name and Record

Contact us now to discuss your case with an experienced attorney in Charlotte for old cases and criminal convictions and let us help you in starting a record-free life again.

Were You Convicted for a Crime in North Carolina?

In the North Carolina court system, a post-conviction challenge to a conviction or sentence, whether it is after a jury trial or a guilty plea, involves filing a motion for appropriate relief, often called an ‘MAR’.

Litigation of the Motion

This type of litigation is simply what its name implies – a request for whatever relief a defendant seeks, whether a dismissal of all charges, a new trial, or a new sentencing hearing.

However, litigating a motion for acquiring appropriate relief is not that simple.

It requires a thorough review of all previous pleadings and hearings, interviews of various witnesses, research into key legal issues, preparing affidavits and supportive documents, and compiling a persuasive and convincing motion.

And that’s where we At Johnson & Nicholson Can Help You Out

We have considerable experience in investigating, preparing, litigating, and winning motions for appropriate relief in any type of convictions. Plus, we have the fortitude required to tackle the tough issues often raised in these situations, including ineffective assistance of counsel and prosecutorial misconduct.

We can marshal whatever newly discovered evidence may exist in your favor, including recanted testimony by alleged victims and other witnesses. We zealously advocate for our clients in this type of litigation and make sure that the final decision is in their best interest.

Contact a Charlotte Expungement Lawyer for Expunging Criminal Records for Immigration or Naturalization

An arrest for a either a misdemeanor crime or felony crime that results in a criminal record against you, always contains vital  information about the case and its outcome. Not only are these records kept by various law enforcement agencies, the data they contain can also be accessed by the public.

A criminal record can limit a person’s employment, housing and educational options. It can also affect security clearances and professional licenses and make it impossible to successfully apply for an immigration visa or citizenship/naturalization.

Who is Eligible for Criminal Record Expungement?

  • Under state law, a defendant whose case resulted in a dismissal or acquittal may be eligible for criminal record Expungement.
  • A person under 21 who pled guilty to a misdemeanor or a juvenile crime may also qualify for Expungement.

What Happens after Expungement?

An Expungement will remove the criminal record from law enforcement databases, which means that information about your case will no longer be accessible by the public. This also makes it possible for you to claim on applications and other documents that you do not have a criminal background and open doors to employment opportunities and a clean record. The court is the only government office that will retain a copy of your record as verification that an Expungement was granted.

Can All Crimes Be Cleared with a Plea for Expungement?

Certain crimes are ineligible for Expungement, depending upon the nature of the offense. Other disqualifications for record sealing include:

  • You were convicted of another crime since the original offense,
  • You have a pending criminal case,
  • You have previously received an Expungement.

We Help With Expungements for Immigrants in Charlotte

There are various guidelines concerning Expungement which only an experienced Charlotte immigration defense lawyer can explain you in detail.

At the offices of Johnson & Nicholson, we have helped many clients purge their criminal records in order to open doors to a change of immigration status. We know how important it may be for you to resolve this issue, and thus will work diligently to help you do so with a minimum of delay.

Johnson & Nicholson immigration attorneys provide services as Counselor at Law in both English and Spanish, and we represent clients throughout Mecklenburg County & Union County.

Schedule a Consultation with Johnson & Nicholson Lawyers Today

Contact a Charlotte Expungement attorney today to discuss your criminal record and determine whether you qualify for this powerful legal remedy.

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“Carnell was patient and efficient. He made me feel like he cared, and most importantly, got the job done!”

- J.D.
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“I endorse this lawyer’s work. Anytime I get a call of one needing representation or if a client has a DUI/DWI issue, I refer them to Carnell. He’s thorough, precise, knowledgeable and touch. I encourage you to call him for a consultation.”

- G.H.
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“Carnell is a fine attorney who is very diligent in handling cases for his client. I highly recommend him.”

- E.M.
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