Felony Possession
Contact Johnson & Nicholson Charlotte Attorneys if You Have Been Charged with a Felony Possession Crime
North Carolina is fighting hard to wipe out illegal drug use and if you are charged with a felony drug crime, you may end up facing severe penalties which can have a vast negative effect on your life.
The Schedules and Felony Trafficking Charges
The North Carolina Controlled Substances Act (G.S. 90-86) defines six groups, or “schedules,” of drugs and there are different sentencing guidelines for each one.
The most dangerous of drugs, with the highest potential for abuse and no recognized medical use, belong to Schedule I.
Possession of a Schedule I drug is a Class I felony, carrying jail time of 4-5 months. Drugs such as methamphetamine, opiates, peyote, ecstasy, heroin and others belong to Schedule I.
Schedule II drugs incur misdemeanor charges on a first offense, but on a second offense for possession of such substances as cocaine, morphine or Ritalin, you can be charged with a felony. The same is true of Schedules III and IV.
Possession of a large amount of certain drugs also leads to felony trafficking charges. For example, if you are arrested in possession of 10-49 lbs. of marijuana, you may be sent to jail for 25-30 months and pay up to $5,000 in fines.
An experienced Charlotte criminal defense attorney can inform you of your rights and help defend your stance against felony drug charges.
Why You Should Contact a Charlotte Criminal Defense Lawyer Serving Mecklenburg, Union & Gaston Counties for Felony Possession Charges
Being charged with a felony drug crime can be difficult and attorney Carnell Johnson at Johnson & Nicholson can help you find a way through this challenging experience.
It is important to take defensive legal action as soon as you learn of your charges so that you can start building an effective defense to keep you out of trouble. We at Johnson & Nicholson will conduct a thorough investigation of your case and work diligently to find the best strategy for attacking the case of the prosecution. Most importantly, we make it a point to keep you informed throughout the entire process so that you and your family can be active participants in the defense.
Get in Touch with Johnson & Nicholson for a Consultation
Contact a Charlotte criminal defense attorney for caring and aggressive representation against felony drug crime charges and take the right decision at the right time.